Inspiring Better Health
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Most people appreciate that eating the right food and being active are important to achieving good health, but often underestimate the importance of other factors. We believe there are four fundamental foundations of lifestyle that can significantly affect our inner health: looking after our mind (mental wellness), being mindful of our environment, getting appropriate sleep, and also being social.
The environment in which we live today has changed beyond all recognition, to that in which we have resided throughout the vast majority of human existence. In this area of the website, we help you look at the obvious topics like air quality, but also the not-so-obvious things such as proper exposure to sunlight.
One of the most important elements to add life to years, is looking after the mind. At Health Results we consult with psychologist Dr Jen Unwin to provide lots of useful information and thoughts on mental wellness.
For many years the importance of a good night's sleep was kind of kept in the dark! But today, the evidence is very clear. At Health Results we will share with you both the importance of a good night's sleep and tips on how to get it.
Species that live in groups, such as wolves, lions, and humans are by their very nature 'social'. There is ever-growing research to demonstrate that remaining sociable offers huge benefits for both health and longevity.