If you have been to a farmers market, you may have mistaken this for a radish. It has a very unique flavour, a cross between a turnip and cabbage. You can eat both the stem and the leaves of this cruciferous vegetable and you can eat it raw or cooked. They are normally green in colour, but c nalo be found a red or purple colour. They all taste the same though. They are very versatile and you can roast them, make in to chips, create a soup etc. The name comes from the German Kohl ("cabbage") and Rabi (Swiss German) for turnip.

A rich source of: vitamin C, vitamin B6, manganese, phosphorous.

Kohl rabi, raw

Energy (kcal) 23
Energy (kJ) 95
Water (g) 91.7
Starch (g) 0.1
Total sugars (g) 3.6
Glucose (g) 1.5
Galactose (g) 0
Fructose (g) 1.3
Sucrose (g) 0.8
Maltose (g) 0
Lactose (g) 0
Protein (g) 1.6
Protein (g)/100kcal 7
Protein % of calories 27.8
Carbohydrate (g) 3.7
Carbohydrate (g)/100kcal 16.1
Carb % of calories 64.4
Fat (g) 0.2
Fat (g)/100kcal 0.9
Fat % of calories 7.8
Satd FA /100g fd (g) 0
Mono FA /100g food (g) 0
Poly FA /100g food (g) 0.1
Sodium (mg) 4
Potassium (mg) 287
Calcium (mg) 28
Magnesium (mg) 59
Phosphorus (mg) 238
Iron (mg) 2
Copper (mg) 0.4
Zinc (mg) 1.8
Chloride (mg) 93
Manganese (mg) 1.1
Selenium (µg) 5
Iodine (µg) 0
Vitamin D (µg) 0
Vitamin E (mg) 0.1
Thiamin (mg) 0.3
Riboflavin (mg) 0.1
Niacin (mg) 2.6
Tryptophan/60 (mg) 2.7
Niacin equivalent (mg) 5.3
Vitamin B6 (mg) 0.2
Vitamin B12 (µg) 0
Folate (µg) 28
Pantothenate (mg) 0.6
Biotin (µg) 3.2
Vitamin C (mg) 0
NSP (g) Non-starch polysaccharide 2.2
Cholesterol (mg) 0
Retinol (µg) 0
Carotene (µg) 0
Retinol Equivalent (µg) 0