Servings: 2 · Prep Time: 8 mins · Cooking Time: 20 mins
Total Time: 28 mins

Lunch | Dinner | Keto | Autophagy Friendly | Fibre

Spaghetti alla puttanesca is an Italian pasta dish, first created in Naples in the mid-20th century and is traditionally made with tomatoes, olive oil, olives, capers, garlic and spaghetti. To make this a low carb dish we swapped out the regular spaghetti for konjac spaghetti.


  • Konjac Spaghetti (400g)
  • Capers (30g)
  • Garlic (2 cloves smashed)
  • Anchovy (2 fillets chopped)
  • Black Olives (50g)
  • Chilli (1 tsp chopped)
  • Spinach (handful)
  • Olive Oil (4 tbsp)
  • Tomatoes (1can chopped)


In a large pan over a medium heat, heat oil. Add garlic and heat until you can smell the oil then cook for 1 minute. Add anchovies and cook for another minute. Add tomatoes, olives, capers, and chilli flakes. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and let simmer for 10 minutes. Throw in the spinach and wilt down in the sauce.

Drain the spaghetti and then place them in a non-stick pan, and gently fry for 2-3 minutes whilst continuously stirring. This will take out the moisture, giving a nice pasta-like consistency to add the sauce.

Toss the spaghetti into the puttanesca sauce and serve.