Servings: 4 · Prep Time: 5 mins · Cooking Time: 60 mins
Total Time: 65 mins


Although we're not big breakfast fans, we know that this isn't the case for everyone living a Primal lifestyle. Some of you will find that your body works perfectly well without breakfast; some of you will find that you don't. If you're one of those who rely on breakfast in the mornings, then our Berry Nice Primal Oatmeal is for you. This recipe is grain free and contains a healthy dose of protein and good fats, making it the perfect natural breakfast fuel. Unlike many supermarket breakfast options, this recipe is free from refined sugar, carbohydrates and contains no funny ingredients.



  • Almond milk (280ml)
  • Chia seeds (6 tbsp)
  • Mixed nuts (125g)
  • Coconut flour (1 tbsp)
  • Mixed seeds (2 tbsp)
  • Raw honey (2 tbsp)


  • Full fat natural yoghurt (2 tbsp)
  • Fresh berries (1 handful)
  • Raw honey (1 tbsp)


Begin by pulsing your nuts until finely chopped.

In a mason jar, add your chia seeds, your pulsed mixed nuts, coconut flour and mixed seeds. Pour the almond milk into the jar, along with the honey and stir until everything has combined. You may also wish to shake the jar. Pop in the fridge for an hour or two to allow the oatmeal to set.

Once done, remove from the fridge. You should have a thick oatmeal texture. If not, leave for a little longer in the fridge (overnight can often be best). If the texture is a little thick, then simply add a dash of almond milk and mix. Serve your oatmeal with a dollop of full-fat yoghurt (the natural kind), a handful of berries and an extra dash of raw honey if you please. Enjoy!